
Wednesday, August 31, 2011



What is it about Sex? Am I the only one that is completely bewildered about the subject?  Sex is this beautiful, exhilarating, experience with limitless opportunities.....outside of marriage. After marriage it morphs into the insurmountable object wedged between a man and his wife..... How could this be?  Didn’t God make Sex specifically for marriage? Didn’t he create a way that a man and wife can spiritually, emotionally, and physically become one? So why is Sex the second most destructive force in marriage, second only to financial problems?

We can create medicine for different types of Cancer, we fly to the moon, we can even teach an Ape to walk like a man, and speak.... (Just saw Planet of the Apes, Two Thumbs UP BTW) But the subject of Sex still eludes us all.......

Let Mr. Serve-Her, hear your thoughts........

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't Forget To Remember

A friend sent this to me I thought it would be something good to pass along to the married couples.  We sometimes forget these things and need to be reminded.

To keep your marriage strong, certain aspects have to be protected.  Protect your time.  Make sure you carve out time for just you and your spouse.  Hire a babysitter or trade babysitting time with another family so you can get out.  Protect your heart.  Keep your romantic thoughts focused on your mate.  Avoid situations and people that might tempt you.  Finally, protect your marriage with words.  Kind words can make your marriage stronger, but harsh words can make it vulnerable to attack.  Protect your marriage and Remember, your family first. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have Need of Patience

Hebrews 10:32 -36
32Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ.j Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering.33Sometimes you were exposed to public ridicule and were beaten, and sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things. 34You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever.
35So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

About a week ago a minister in our church, Elisha Cole,  gave these scriptures at one of the alter calls and specifically pointed out that we have need of patience...(smh...because I knew immediately I was a culprit as well...yes me...);-)

Ahhhh alas, I finally set down to glean and read them and ask God to help me with patience, because I need Now I know we almost all think we have patience to some degree, but when I began to read the definition of what patience is I laughed they are:

v     The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

v     good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence

Mannnnn....the last one is what made me go bannanas, "good natured tolerance of DELAY or INCOMPETENCE" 
I just got impatient reading that.....LOL

Sooooooooo...WOW we need to learn to be okay with being delayed even if it is by way of someone or soemthing that has NO CLUE....Bruuuuuuhahahahahahahaha....LOL now we see why it takes the Holy Ghost - this patience thing can not be done by human doing! 

At ant rate, praise God we have an advocate with the father...cause Lord Jesus you know we (I) need you! Thank you Lord for your great example of patience toward us, showing us the ways that we can exhibit the fruit of the Spirit without toiling to do so...I LOVE YOU JESUS MWAH!!!!! Smooches! 


PS Thank you Elisha and Carliss for sharing the wisdom! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


When we think about what really matters in marriage or in life for that matter; how do we measure up? 

A question came to my mind while I was sitting at my desk. How much time do you really spend with your spouse. I have the luxury of working side by side with my husband. Yayy mee right? Well, what I know is that time spent together does not count for real!

When is the last time you just simply, unselfishly, without any agenda, just spent some plain old fashioned time with your spouse. Time that does not include asking them anythng about work, yourself, the kids, the dog, the car, the house, the job, the get it!

When is the last time you just said, "Hey, can you come sit over here and tell me how you are doing?" or "What is on your mind today?"

It could mean the difference in struggling throughout the day with your companion.

Learining As I Go (Grow)

Beverly Jenkins  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I've Been Restored

Psalm 80:7
Restore us, O God Almighty; Make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.

One of the most frustrating things for me is when my I-Phone will not function properly.  Recently I was I received notification that I as eligible for an upgrade on my phone.  When I tried to sync it with my IMac it gave me an error message saying, “This device is not eligible for an upgrade.” To make matters worse it kicked my phone and ipad into restore mode.  I was hot! I felt so host.  I had to go back to the Genius bar at Apple to see why my devices wouldn’t work. 

Do you know how it feels to have some equipment that you depend upon and they not be able to function.  Nobody could call me.  I couldn’t call anyone.  I could see the light on but I wasn’t getting any power.  They had a form of functioning but no power to go with it.  I took them to Apple and the genius people told me the reason they weren’t working was:
  1. Too many people were trying to access the server.  When too many people have access to you it causes you to be overloaded and you miss upgrades from the Holy Spirit thus causing you to go into Restore mode.
  2. My I-Tunes was not properly loaded.  If you are not in Tune with the Holy Spirit you can’t receive new information.  I have to be Tuned into God to receive new revelation.
  3. I lost all of my functionality and needed to be restored back to factory setting.  Every now and then we need to be restored back to our factory settings.  When David messed up with Bathsheba and committed adultery and murder, he asked God to restore the joy of his salvation and to renew the right spirit within him.  Even the best of us mess up and need to be restored.
  4. After you’ve been restored you have to reload your Apps.  Watching everything I was putting back on my phone made me question did I really need this App or was it just taking up space?
Today go to the Genius Bar and ask God to search you and if he find any wicked way to take it out.  Ask God to restore you back to the place where you were in him before your overload so he can download the new information he has for your life.

Dear God,

Restore us, Get us back to the place where we were before we gave away to much access and too much disk space.  Shine on us again so that we can be saved and upgrade our lives to match your will.

In Jesus Name,

By Dr. Stacy L. Spencer 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Putting In The Work... by Mr. Serv-Her

Serving for Success! 
How many times have you heard someone say that "Marriage is hard, it's a lot of Work!"  When I got engaged a little more than 6 years ago, I remember so many people telling me that..... almost Warning me that marriage is "Work" as if I had to get up at 5 A.M. Strap on a hard hat and some steel toe boots, clock in and work a 24 hour shift for the rest of my life. And even now couples still come up to me and my wife and proclaim how much "Work" being married is.  They have no problem scaring the crap out of younger couples, whom believe they are marrying the Love of their lives and are going to live the rest of there life in Sweet Bliss. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Benefits of A Healthy Marriage

According to the ACF - Healthy Marriage Initiative their are some incredible benefits to being married and maintaining a healthy marriage overall. See the stats below!

Some wonderful bonuses to this marriage stuff! lol 

Benefits of Healthy Marriages
For Children and Youth
Researchers have found many benefits for children and youth who are raised by parents in healthy marriages, compared to unhealthy marriages, including the following:
  1. More likely to attend college
  2. More likely to succeed academically
  3. Physically healthier
  4. Emotionally healthier
  5. Less likely to attempt or commit suicide
  6. Demonstrate less behavioral problems in school
  7. Less likely to be a victim of physical or sexual abuse
  8. Less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
  9. Less likely to commit delinquent behaviors
  10. Have a better relationship with their mothers and fathers
  11. Decreases their chances of divorcing when they get married
  12. Less likely to become pregnant as a teenager, or impregnate someone.
  13. Less likely to be sexually active as teenagers
  14. Less likely to contract STD's
  15. Less likely to be raised in poverty

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day Workout!

 4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
    5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
    6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
    7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
    8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].

Love Lifting vs. Weight Lifting

How much can you bench press?

It is valentine’s weekend and couples are scrambling around trying to figure out how to express the love they want to show to each other.  I love the concept of a special days and special moments to share with your honey. However, I am more concerned about definition. What is love? As I myself was pondering this question, it dawned on me that there is a whole load of information on what it is ‘not.’ Perhaps this is the best way to weigh yourself as an individual and see where you are "not" on the ‘love’ scale.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Letting Your Guard Down

Let Your Guard Down!

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” I Peter 3:7 NKJV

The thought dawned on me for some time now as a married person we like to think we are the party that has it all together. I am discovering as a married woman that there are many areas that I am desiring and have not quite grabbed hold of sufficiently. I wish I could say.... “Yes, I am at the place called there, but ‘there’ is alluding me.

We live in a world where women are go getters, we are tough, we are strong and we are mighty. This is good, but not always expedient.

I have been pondering in my heart how wives across this great world want to be treated as a feminine being. We want to be catered to as woman. We want to be treated like a Lady. We want to be special. We want all of what is womanly in us to be embraced and nurtured…..As I am writing this, this ringing in my ears is happening…

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is Your Bedroom Romantic?

Is Your Bedroom A Sanctuary?

I love décor and decorations. They are the epitome of entertainment for me besides a nice dinner out. I realized I spend a vast amount of time making the lived in or visible areas of my home look nice and cozy. The reasons mostly were to have a place for my family, but also a beautiful space for others to visit as well. 

However, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, a question was posed to me…Is your bedroom romantic? Is it a place where you and your husband love to go? Well…at that time my answer was a strong… nope…No God the wallpaper is pukey pink, my comforter is stained (clean but stained) where Chris threw up cheese its! (This is how we found out he is lactose intolerant)…oh back to the question…. so no, nope it was not.Of course, that answer does not stop God…  “So what do you pose you should do?”
I knew this was another trick question…so I say…”Fix it?”